Friday, 19 December 2008

Day 1

Day 1 of EMS and I'm already exhausted! Here are some highlights from the past 24 hours, bearing in mind I have had maybe 8 hours sleep in the past 5 days.

1800 - Arrive back in Wales. Say hi to parents
1830 - Get call out to see a sick cat. Say goodbye to parents
2000 - Walk the puppy around the park in between cat watching

0100 - Visit sick cat again and give it lovely painkillers. And some food. Cat has had an ENORMOUS abscess under its chin that has burst. We debrided bits away ("What's that pulsing thing?" "Carotid artery" "Oh......shit") and thus cat is feeling very sorry for itself.
0200 - Dog still barking outside. I'm still awake.
0630 - Phone!

The rest of the day blurs in to one big mess, but I've done loads of consultations, vaccinated a whole flock of puppies, observed a caesar and cared for 8 puppies, killed a dog*, took blood from a cat, been pissed on twice, killed another dog*, nursed sick cat.

Lunch consisted of a bread roll between killing dog 2 and walking puppy at 3pm.

It's been a really long day week. And I still love it.
Except the killing things, they were quite sad!

* - These were euthanasia cases that came in to be put to sleep, I didn't screw up and accidently kill anything. Yet.

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