Monday 18 April 2011


Over the past week or so I seem to have been seeing the same clients that have stuck in my memory (for better or for worse) over the past six months.

First was the lady with a new puppy. I sadly had to put her oldest dog to sleep on boxing day, so I'm so happy to see her with a new dog as well as the regular pup too. Then came my first caesar dog along with the pup that the owners were keeping, followed closely by a dog who I saw roughly every other day for a few weeks to re-dress a wound.

A few other memorable faces popped up too, such as the lovely lady who thanked me for putting her old dog to sleep with a lovely card and the twitching dogs I'd seen a week or so before.

I will miss the people here. Mostly.

In a more fun note I'm back off to uni for a bit in 3 weeks. I am going back to lecture the 4th years on how terrible the life in practice is. Not too sure whether I should be nice or honest about my experience so far. Probably honest.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Long Weekend

This was my last weekend on call. Yay!

It was also horrible. Boo!

Most of my time at work is spent with small animals. In the past month, not counting the weekend, I can count the numbers of times I've seen a cow or horse on the fingers of one hand. This makes visiting things out of hours very difficult.

Sometimes I need backup but I try not to call someone unless I really really need help. Sadly as a new grad this is more often than I'd like. Such as a cow caesar. Sadly my bosses don't think the same as I do and aren't as helpful as I'd like.

Grumpy doesn't really describe my reaction to the lack of backup and the attitude given by a member of the group. It all makes me glad I'm leaving.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Label Reading Mk 2

The last incident of a client not reading the label on the various drugs we hand out was quite daft, and quite funny. Sadly this one isn't as much fun.

We routinely hand out flea and worming "spot-on" products to clients. These days it seems like most of the things we give out go on the back of the neck, and we just assume everyone knows how to use them. Not so.

A combined flea and worm product is not meant to be put in the dogs food. It causes seizures, twitching, vomiting and generally unhappy dogs. The drug company was very helpful and gave great advise for which I can only thank them. Three dogs, all with the same signs. It was a fun day!

One dog has gone home. The second and third dogs are staying in overnight for monitoring and we hope they will sort themselves out. Someone is in the doghouse at home.