Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Label Reading Mk 2

The last incident of a client not reading the label on the various drugs we hand out was quite daft, and quite funny. Sadly this one isn't as much fun.

We routinely hand out flea and worming "spot-on" products to clients. These days it seems like most of the things we give out go on the back of the neck, and we just assume everyone knows how to use them. Not so.

A combined flea and worm product is not meant to be put in the dogs food. It causes seizures, twitching, vomiting and generally unhappy dogs. The drug company was very helpful and gave great advise for which I can only thank them. Three dogs, all with the same signs. It was a fun day!

One dog has gone home. The second and third dogs are staying in overnight for monitoring and we hope they will sort themselves out. Someone is in the doghouse at home.

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