Tuesday 28 February 2012


I've got a bit of a dilemma at the moment, what do I want to do with my life? Or more accurately, should I go for an anaesthesia residency or go back to practice? There are pros and cons of both options really.


- Enjoy the subject!
- Would learn interesting things.
- Extra qualifications.
- Could earn more money when I get out.
- Would earn less money whilst there.
- Need to keep up the qualification afterwards.
- Would focus on one subject.


- Learn and get to do more.
- Get to do surgery!
- Earn more money.
- Could do an extra qualification whilst there.
- Clients. Oh the clients.
- Need to hunt a job.

So all very complicated. At the moment I'm learning towards going back to practice, but I'll have to see how long that idea lasts. It also depends on when I finish the internship.

More in the future.

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