Tuesday 4 September 2007


Well that was fun. Lie in a small plastic tube and try not to move your eyes for 30minutes. It wasn't as easy as it sounds. There was no problem with claustrophobia or anything like that. In fact it was quite comfortable. I also enjoyed the music selection. No spice girls for me, I had Queen greatest hits 1. Overall I rather enjoyed it, I've had a lot worse before. There was no stabbing with needles, no poking sore bits, no removing of anything. It was a little sore on the back though.

My back is getting better slowly as I'm doing less silly work. It is sore when I lie down and if I walk for a while, but in regular life it doesn't slow me down at all until I've finished what I need to do. Went for a long walk yesterday without too much bother until the last hill when I was glad for the forward planning and lack of rucksack. I should try to do of the same just to get used to the motions again. Then running. Then climbing.

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