Thursday 17 July 2008

No Rest

I can't believe it's Thursday already, this week has flown by, yet I'm having problems remembering individual days. I remember castrating a dog on Tuesday and helping with X-rays on a collie with a broken leg. Yesterday however was chaos.

Collie dog needed her leg repaired paving the way for a long and complicated orthopaedic operation. First there was a small matter of an elderly dog with a tail pull injury - time to amputate his tail. After some x-rays and blood work his tail was dutifully removed, and this is where the fun started. One consultation - a sick collie - apparently she had been working for previous day and went downhill rapidly. She was very toxic and smelly, requiring urgent medical attention. I was pulled away from that case to look at another emergency that came in and assess for priority.

One of the few things that makes me swear in front of a client in a dog in full convulsions. History of eating slug pellets so the diagnosis wasn't challenging. Stopping only to grab diazepam I dragged a vet in to the consult room where we got to work.

A few minutes later another case came in. Somehow whilst on a walk a dog had tripped and cut her leg deeply. With one vet away on a call, another dealing with a dog with violent seizures and the last setting up to sort out collie2 I went to assess legdog. Another admit.

For a day that had started with a call at 0530, this was rapidly becoming very silly so I went for a walk to find food for the troops. We were all heading down a grumpy route and needed sugar and time to think.

At least two of these cases are worthy of separate posts. So that's what I'll do.

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