Wednesday 5 November 2008

Bad Day

Yesterday was particularly poor. Everything I did seemed to go fairly wrong at uni, although I managed to actually do some work for a change.

First we had an anaesthesia tutorial when we work in groups to sort out a problem - in this case how to assess and fix a cat post-RTA. Some members of the group were being a little difficult (to be generous) and we weren't given enough information to formulate the best plan. Even so it wasn't the best work I've done and was a little demoralising after I was eventually starting to feel like I knew stuff.

In the afternoon there was a farm animal practical where again I basically knew nothing. I wasn't alone in feeling this. It wasn't helped by having a large group and again similar group members to the tutorial.

I'm getting less and less tolerant of people these days. It could be that I haven't done any decent exercise for over 2 weeks now. It could also be that we are getting closer to final year and I realise some people could have an attitude detrimental to the group. Especially when they argue with the clinicians who probably know better than we do.

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