Tuesday 24 February 2009

Over half way!

I've just had to work it out and we are over half way through the term! This is great is some respects, there are no more horse lectures, and really bad in other respects, such as there being no more horse lectures. I don't miss them at all, but I wish I knew more and had more time to learn more.

Vets from Wales have been complaining that I've been away too long and are asking when I return too! It seems that they only want me for my innate ability to repel phone calls when I'm on call with them, but still it's lambing time and there are many things to be learned still. Can't wait for my first sheep caesar of the year. If I can remember how they are done...

Not that it is the end of term yet. There is a lot more work to be done before we get there, and very little time to relax.

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