Tuesday 19 May 2009

Ow ow ow

Went in, read James Herriot. Got stabbed. Went to sleep. Got stabbed some more. Woke up. Got stabbed yet again.

Well that about covers it. Gruesome details on request.

I don't think I'm far off in saying that was one of the worst experiences of my life so far and I'm never EVER doing it again. Hospital is very stingy with their analgesia.

Now I can just about see again and can open both eyes. One is horribly blood-shot which I shall be using to my advantage to scare small children whenever possible. Can't read for very long, but on the plus side it does appear that everything is in single vision at the moment. Yay!

1 comment:

Jenevieve said...

Yay for single vision! Need anything brought to you/ done for you?