Monday 10 August 2009

4 weeks

I've just completed 4 weeks of EMS in Wales.

4 weeks of solid work, two Sundays off.

It's taken it's toll, because now I'm exhausted. This isn't much of a surprise because I haven't really stopped since starting 4th year. I've even spent most of my nights on call. There are a few cases that stick out, and that I will probably write about later:

The good jobs - Tom the bleeding spaniel, Meg with her puppies, Jess with her bad paw, Ralph who couldn't breathe and Buck the sick cat.

As always there are the bad jobs too - the injured sheep, Scamp the dying dog, Mot the angry puppy, numerous sick cats and the caesar cow.

And the just plain daft cases - mostly these are cute puppies for their first vaccines, but Meg with the ear and the pregnant guinea pig are hot contenders too.

Most of the vets I know have a slightly strange sense of humour which is necessary to stop us all going insane from the daily grind. I'll try and tell a few of our stories, sorry if they offend! As one person wisely told me - "No-one wants to hear when it's gone well. They don't care that you made an excellent diagnosis and saved the day. They do however love to hear about when it goes horribly, horribly wrong." Thanks Pete!

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