Friday 14 August 2009

Chill Out

My relaxation week seems to be going well so far. I've done very little! So far time is spent reading, climbing, walking, visiting friends or going to the pub. It's doing wonders for my sanity.

We are worked so hard in, and out, of University it can be difficult to switch off and just relax for a change. The ones who don't manage it go slowly crazy. There is so much to learn, and so many things to do, I must remember to take a step back and let my body fix itself.

So the rest of my time here will be spent much the same. I have a whisky fringe ticket for tomorrow, there is recovery planned for Sunday, and then not a lot else. Apart from climbing.

1 comment:

Beth said...

You haven't been to visit Haggis yet. She (and I) are sulking about this :P