Monday, 31 August 2009

Hamster Critical Care

Those words hardly even make sense to me, but there you go. At the moment I'm house sitting in Wales, looking after a hamster, fish and a cat. Oh and working EMS, but everyone knows all about that by now - dogs, cats, trauma, life saving etc etc.

There was a small party on Friday night, leaving me feeling slightly under the weather on Saturday morning. It was quite nice to have the cat come up to see me and lie on the bed for a bit. The cat is warm. He was also not bothering me about breakfast which, for him, is fairly unusual.

I wander downstairs to check on the other animals. In the lounge I am confronted by a hamster cage on the floor, sawdust everywhere and the top of the cage open. And a smiling cat.


After a small amount of panic (oh god it's dead, what do I do now, what if it escaped and is running around, oh god) I figured the best option was to assume the hamster was still in the cage, stressed to heck, so I placed the cage back on the side, re-arrange the water and food, and head back to bed to convince myself it was all a bad dream.

By midday I had come to terms with the fact it was not just a bad dream and something had to be done. Luckily for all involved hamster solved my stress by calmly walking out of its bed, having a drink of water, then returning to bed.

Success!! Well, mainly due to luck, but I'm calling it a victory anyway. All that was left to do was tidy up. And count the fish...

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