Wednesday 3 February 2010

5 Months

There are only 5 months until graduation. Things are seeming rather more scary now and real. I've started looking for jobs, and should probably start revising all the rotations from last year fairly soon.

We had to teach the 4th years this week on radiology. They knew quite a lot, but we were all amazed about how much we knew. My knowledge seems to be coming together with everything linking - history, radiographs, blood tests all come together to form some kind of diagnosis which has various treatment options with it, plus all the side effects of those treatments. It's really quite scary at times!

1 comment:

Jacki Savi-Cannon said...

Teaching and coming up to graduation is a special time in any students life. It does not matter their chosen area of study..
The big day..then out to the real world..Days of being a student will be treasured moments forever.