Wednesday, 31 October 2007
I should be in bed with this silly plague, but it is too warm. I can't sleep. Not going to lecture tomorrow as I don't want to infect everyone else, plus the time in bed will be nice. Sleep soon hopefully.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Too much
There were 4 hours of continuous lectures today and whilst my attention span isn't tiny, four whole hours are too much. My mind is fried. I need a nap then I may practice my suturing and research the anthelmintics a little. And go to work. And go to the gym. Oh yeah, and sleep...
Saturday, 27 October 2007
I was working tonight and managed to get away early in the hope of getting more than 4 hours of sleep this week. So far, so good. There were some strange people in tonight. They kept staring at me, and I don't know why. It seems like some film plot where they were staring for some reason which I will find out later. They didn't speak, just sat and stared. All the time. I didn't classify them as a threat and I don't know if this is good or bad.
On leaving work I had a bit of support from friends to make sure they didn't leave as I did, and followed counter-surveillance tactics on the way route home, so I'm pretty sure I wasn't followed. Even so it's odd. Humans are weird.
On leaving work I had a bit of support from friends to make sure they didn't leave as I did, and followed counter-surveillance tactics on the way route home, so I'm pretty sure I wasn't followed. Even so it's odd. Humans are weird.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Yesterday evening was the CPD lecture entitled "A Practical Guide To ECG" out at Bush. It was really interesting and I think I learned a lot. Not too sure how much I will remember, but I have the notes to look over. Some parts were more relevant to those in later years or clinicians, such as treatment options that we haven't been taught yet, but the main lecture and quiz was useful. Things we looked at included:
- How to tell a sinus rhythm
- If the rhythm is regular
- If the abnormality lies above or below the annulus on the heart
- How to determine heart rate from an ECG
- Common problems
- Common diagnoses
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
We have just finished our lecture series on antimicrobials. There were a total of 9 whole lectures telling us everything we need to know about the different classes and using them etc. I feel so very prepared now. Or possibly not.
Monday, 22 October 2007
Busy Busy

There are so many things I should be doing at the moment. Revision is the big thing, on top of the work we keep getting, but I'm finding it difficult to get motivated to work. Most of the course is really interesting except for the loads and loads of pharmacology we are getting. There are quite a few classes of antibiotics we are looking at currently, as well as all the other drugs that I haven't begun to remember. I'm also finding that after 4 hours of continuous lectures I have problems concentrating, and it's not just me feeling this way. I, like the puppy, needed a sleep today. Something wakes me up at 4am and it needs to stop.
Tomorrow is another long day with 3 hours of lectures in the morning. We do get a break tomorrow so I plan to head to the gym and think about not very much for a bit. In the evening I'm heading to an optional lecture on interpreting ECGs out at Bush. Should be fun! I must remember to look at the bus timetable though. It's a long way to walk home.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Poor swans
It seems someone may have been killing swans in Edinburgh by polluting the water. Humans are really annoying at times.
As the nights are getting longer and the amount of work increases I've taken to running around the park in the dark. Yesterday I planned my route after work along the path from the Pollock end all the way round, finishing at the Parliament. What I didn't think of was all the cars coming in the opposite direction. Too many! I couldn't see ahead of me, and even worse I couldn't see the path or obstacles. After nearly running straight in to a large rock I decided to head up the crags instead. Much better. Quieter and darker.
Today I went along to a climbing masterclass that was teaching technique. My usual technique involves relying on upper body strength to haul myself up the wall. It works most of the time, although I'm now struggling with harder climbs. We were taught basic techniques to help move on and around the wall. It was all great fun and I'm a little sore and tired now. Going to read and maybe have a nap.
Today I went along to a climbing masterclass that was teaching technique. My usual technique involves relying on upper body strength to haul myself up the wall. It works most of the time, although I'm now struggling with harder climbs. We were taught basic techniques to help move on and around the wall. It was all great fun and I'm a little sore and tired now. Going to read and maybe have a nap.
Saturday, 20 October 2007
For those of you in Edinburgh, I am to blame for the recent cold weather. I cut my hair. All my fault, I just couldn't be doing with long hair any more. Sorry!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Lazy Days
Today I was really naughty and spent more time in bed than I planned due to an alarm clock error. The alarm thought it was to go off at 0930, when actually I wanted to be awake about two hours earlier. As a result I missed 3 lectures. I am a bad person. At least there were no practicals or I would be running to class.
Nothing much else exciting going on. The weekend was the same as ever - lots of work and some uni work. I started doing some reading around pharmacology, but it got me slightly confused. Pub quiz again tonight which should be good fun. It's usually quite full of humans and there are some really annoying freshers there who may have to be destroyed.
Nothing much else exciting going on. The weekend was the same as ever - lots of work and some uni work. I started doing some reading around pharmacology, but it got me slightly confused. Pub quiz again tonight which should be good fun. It's usually quite full of humans and there are some really annoying freshers there who may have to be destroyed.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Broke It!

In more fun vet related stuff we have finally finished introductory pathology and are progressing to systems pathology. It mainly seems to be bad if any part of the anatomy gives up at the moment. We have also had another fun practical - this time bandaging puppies! I got a great photo of my Robert Jones bandage on a sleepy Labrador. I'll post it when I get that bit of software installed.
I haven't slept right for a few days now, and am liable to slay the human on a moped if he is around at 1am again. Early night is called for. Bed and pharmacology. That usually sends me to sleep.
Friday, 5 October 2007
It Alive!
New computer is up and running. Now all I have to do is spend many many many hours configuring it like the old one. There are so many little helpful bits and pieces of software that I don't really notice until they aren't there. It's taking hours to find them again.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
More New Parts
I just ordered the rest of my computer, but in doing so I somehow managed to crash the card verification server. Not entirely what happened, neither did the people I phoned, but the device had all my details correct, I was entering them correctly and it just refused to work. Ooops.
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