Sunday 21 October 2007


As the nights are getting longer and the amount of work increases I've taken to running around the park in the dark. Yesterday I planned my route after work along the path from the Pollock end all the way round, finishing at the Parliament. What I didn't think of was all the cars coming in the opposite direction. Too many! I couldn't see ahead of me, and even worse I couldn't see the path or obstacles. After nearly running straight in to a large rock I decided to head up the crags instead. Much better. Quieter and darker.

Today I went along to a climbing masterclass that was teaching technique. My usual technique involves relying on upper body strength to haul myself up the wall. It works most of the time, although I'm now struggling with harder climbs. We were taught basic techniques to help move on and around the wall. It was all great fun and I'm a little sore and tired now. Going to read and maybe have a nap.

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