Friday, 10 September 2010


Well I've applied for more jobs...and heard nothing back! Ah well. Just going to carry on applying. Someone has to reply at some point.

There's still nothing to do around here. My excitement of the week was getting a new book in the post. Haven't even managed to get out to the animal shelter due to a lack of transport. There are several walks around here to explore, but I lack puppy-based company.

Instead I've just dug out my old soldering iron and ordered a couple of electronics kits online. I'm going to build a small signal generator and amplifier, set it to about 200Hz then hopefully attach a speaker and play with non-newtonian fluids. It's worrying when watching goo jump around is considered fun.

I've forgotten so much of my electronics knowledge. Can't even remember the resistor colour codes any more. I'm hoping that's because my brain is full of great vetty knowledge, but I think I'm just kidding myself.


Xavier R. said...

Lies, all lies.

Dash said...

Sadly, I agree :-(

Nelle said...

OH dear. pink needles are 20 gauge here. Mind blowing. At least blue is still 22.