This is my last post from my current flat as tomorrow we move. I need to pack up my computer along with a few more clothes for the trip. There are still bits and pieces, but for the most part it's done. All that's left is the cleaning. Anyone free tomorrow is more than welcome to help out! :D
Oh I also finished my chicken EMS today. I've learned a lot as the farm is organic and things are rather complicated. The people were great which always makes things easier. Horses next week in Wales. Evil creatures.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Chickens and Packing
This week I'm working with chickens in Peebles as part of my EMS. I'm not entirely sure why we have to work with poultry as there seems to be very little need for veterinary intervention. If an animal is ill it is culled, but more usually they are found dead. Most of my time is spent sorting eggs. That said we are at a lovely farm with great people. The chickens are free range and seem to be rather happy.
The evening are spent packing and revising, or they should be anyway. So far there has been very little of either, except for tonight where some packing has occured. I am moving on Friday around midday, so that's the cut-off time for everything to be sorted. After that I just(!) have to clean my room. So far I have mess everywhere, loosely arranged in piles that want to come home with me and piles that are staying here but need to move house. Very complicated, and it really gets in the way of climbing.
The evening are spent packing and revising, or they should be anyway. So far there has been very little of either, except for tonight where some packing has occured. I am moving on Friday around midday, so that's the cut-off time for everything to be sorted. After that I just(!) have to clean my room. So far I have mess everywhere, loosely arranged in piles that want to come home with me and piles that are staying here but need to move house. Very complicated, and it really gets in the way of climbing.
Sunday, 24 June 2007
It's time to get organised for the trip up the 3 peaks as well as moving house. I'm having to make lists of various things including what to pack and when. So far I've got most of the kit I need, first aid kit, emergency bothy, water bottle and, most importantly, a LOT of Kendal Mint Cake. I need to sort out what goes in to which bag now. Busy busy. I may make more sense later. Possibly.
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Walkies Mk2
This time I was puppy-less though. Just went for a walk in the rain to find beer minus any waterproofs. Its a warm evening so tshirt suited me just fine. Getting wet is the least of my worries right now and it brings back fun memories. Walking under trees in a forest, listening to the rain on the leaves. Sitting with 4 friends in a tent up a mountain in Wales in the middle of a rain storm. Walking the dog late on a rainy night, noone else around. Sitting in a car as a child watching the patterns on the windscreen.
And as Tsunetomo Yamamoto once said "As long as you accept that you will get wet, you will not suffer from being wet".
And as Tsunetomo Yamamoto once said "As long as you accept that you will get wet, you will not suffer from being wet".
Still Here
Well it turns out that the evil providers of the broadband of joy, Tiscali, have decided not to cut us off this week after all. I am most pleased. It saves a lot of walking to uni computer labs.
Date tonight didn't go well. It's now pretty clear human female isn't interested, but I'm not giving up on the entire human race just yet. There will be others hopefully.
I'm meant to be climbing in 8 hours, but I really don't think I can be bothered, I need a lie in. For some strange reason I've been waking up at random early times, usually based around 5am, all week. This means that sometimes I've had just 3 hours sleep. Other times, 5 hours. Maybe tonight.
Date tonight didn't go well. It's now pretty clear human female isn't interested, but I'm not giving up on the entire human race just yet. There will be others hopefully.
I'm meant to be climbing in 8 hours, but I really don't think I can be bothered, I need a lie in. For some strange reason I've been waking up at random early times, usually based around 5am, all week. This means that sometimes I've had just 3 hours sleep. Other times, 5 hours. Maybe tonight.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Or not...
Turns out I haven't lost the ability to internet at home just yet. Which is good. I think I rely on this device too much. Might have to read a newspaper instead for the next few weeks.
Tomorrow evening there may be date mk2. Ceilidh dancing here in Edinburgh, but this time I'm taking backup in order to prevent awkward lapses in conversation. I do plan to be dancing most of the time though. I will have to remember to take notes and blog about it at the next chance I get. Sleep time now though.
Tomorrow evening there may be date mk2. Ceilidh dancing here in Edinburgh, but this time I'm taking backup in order to prevent awkward lapses in conversation. I do plan to be dancing most of the time though. I will have to remember to take notes and blog about it at the next chance I get. Sleep time now though.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
As you may have guessed this week I'm working with pigs here in Edinburgh and, as with most of my EMS, I'm really enjoying it. The people I'm working with have had students before and are really helpful, as well as being grateful for the assistance we offer. I'm learning loads!
The only downside is that I smell. After a day on the farm I really stink, even though I mainly can't smell it by now. Time for a shower methinks.
Oh a more sad note I'll be without internet until the start of July unless I can be bothered to walk to the uni labs, which is highly unlikely. In that time I will hopefully be doing a week of poultry EMS and getting my eyes fixed, as well as the 3 peaks challenge. Busy busy!
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Rainy Day
It's been a little soggy today, so I haven't really been out too much. We went climbing for a few hours at Alien Rock, but apart from that it has been a lazy inside book-reading day. I don't really mind days like this - it isn't too wet to go out, nor too cold and the wind is refreshing.
In other news Human Female is still replying to my text messages although I may need to phone her and/or go visit her at work. Maybe arrange a pub trip. I'm unsure of the protocol to follow. Eyes are still semi-functional. I visited my doctor and said I hadn't had my appointment through the post yet, but it turns out she only sent the letter 4 days after I went to see her!
In more fun news I have a flat for next year now. All I need to do is pass my resit exams.
In other news Human Female is still replying to my text messages although I may need to phone her and/or go visit her at work. Maybe arrange a pub trip. I'm unsure of the protocol to follow. Eyes are still semi-functional. I visited my doctor and said I hadn't had my appointment through the post yet, but it turns out she only sent the letter 4 days after I went to see her!
In more fun news I have a flat for next year now. All I need to do is pass my resit exams.
Thursday, 14 June 2007
More Work
I have been to work today here in Edinburgh at the bar where I work term time and during the festival helping out with the plans for festival-ness. So far I've destroyed:
Swinging a sledgehammer is fun, especially if you are never quite sure if you are going to hit what you are aiming for. I managed to miss a big upright post of 6x4 today. Now for some reason everyone runs when I'm wandering about with a hammer. Can't think why.
- 1 fire escape
- 6 desks
- 3 chairs
- 1 theatre (only the seating)
- various doors, fittings and filing cabinets
Swinging a sledgehammer is fun, especially if you are never quite sure if you are going to hit what you are aiming for. I managed to miss a big upright post of 6x4 today. Now for some reason everyone runs when I'm wandering about with a hammer. Can't think why.
Wednesday, 13 June 2007
I've had all sorts of training in my life. I've been trained to work with animals. I've been trained to handle casualties, both human and animal. I've been trained how to handle firearms. I've been trained how to care for viruses. I've been trained how to move heavy stuff. I've been trained how to run. I've been trained how to throw. I've been trained how to dive. I've been trained to do bar work. I've even had some communication skills training
What my training so far lacks is how to deal with human females. I'm sorry to those of you that are them, but to be honest, you are weird. I have endured a date. It did not go well. I couldn't speak my mind for I had no mind. I couldn't express my feelings in any way, shape or form. I was reduced to a fact spurting mess. And not even fun stuff like it is possible to exanguinate a human in 5.6 seconds, but it takes longer in a cow (I blame the internal carotids). Nooooo. That would have been far too sensible. Instead questions on family, work, travel etc. I could not say "I'm sorry I have no intelligent conversation, but I find you attractive. If you would consider dating me you will find I'm not a gibbering wreck. Honest!*". I couldn't even express my "fun" insanity. It probably didn't help that I saw two of her.
I hate my brain. And my lack of training. Now how am I meant to know if she hates me or not? Bloody humans.
* I wouldn't really say this. I hope.
What my training so far lacks is how to deal with human females. I'm sorry to those of you that are them, but to be honest, you are weird. I have endured a date. It did not go well. I couldn't speak my mind for I had no mind. I couldn't express my feelings in any way, shape or form. I was reduced to a fact spurting mess. And not even fun stuff like it is possible to exanguinate a human in 5.6 seconds, but it takes longer in a cow (I blame the internal carotids). Nooooo. That would have been far too sensible. Instead questions on family, work, travel etc. I could not say "I'm sorry I have no intelligent conversation, but I find you attractive. If you would consider dating me you will find I'm not a gibbering wreck. Honest!*". I couldn't even express my "fun" insanity. It probably didn't help that I saw two of her.
I hate my brain. And my lack of training. Now how am I meant to know if she hates me or not? Bloody humans.
* I wouldn't really say this. I hope.
Monday, 11 June 2007
I've had a great day! It was great to be outside on a day like this. I was in work, but I had time off to walk a friend's dog. We only went for a short walk, but I had missed the whole walkies thing. Meeting other people, stopping to investigate a bit of grass, bit of a run. It was slightly spoiled by having my work kit on and a lack of shorts - I have to say I got a little sweaty from the heavy rucksac, but overall it was great to be in the sun, especially with a puppy.
Unfortunatly it was all over too quickly and then back to work. I was however outside in the sun. I may have got a little sunburnt :-(
Unfortunatly it was all over too quickly and then back to work. I was however outside in the sun. I may have got a little sunburnt :-(
Sunday, 10 June 2007
Depth Perception
It's a strange thing to be lacking. I've mainly noticed my eyes acting up with double vision these days, but today at climbing my main issue was with depth perception. I couldn't really see where the floor was, so landing after a climb was difficult. I was dropped a couple of times when I thought I was 10cm off the ground and was actually only 1. There were also problems making footholds. For some reason the handholds were mainly ok though. Most odd.
Saturday, 9 June 2007

Last week I visited the optician for the first time in a few years. OK, it was 4 years since my last checkup. There were plans to get this done when I was back home, but that never really works.
During the testing I happened to mention I was getting some double vision and at times I have no depth perception. I mainly noticed this at work when trying to take money off people, or when attempting to thread a needle. The lovely optician lady figured out there is something wrong with my eyes. Apparently I don't use my left eye as much as I should and when I do it has the nasty habit of displacing in a medial and ventral direction, and this isn't good. The optician then asked if I was having any headaches, blurred vision, muscle weakness or any other sensory defecits. The answer to all these: no.
Next step was the head to my GP to get an appointment with an opthalmologist in the near future. I'm always scared when the university health service does anything efficiently, and this time I was seen in about an hour. After more questions about headaches etc I was sent on my way and told to expect an appointment for the opthalmologist in 2-4 weeks. And to come back if I have any headaches. Straight away.
As part of my neuro course we worked at localising lesions, and were told that the eye is a great place to notice something is wrong. Not that I'm too concerned yet. We shall see what the hospital type humans have to say. If they don't have a clue I'll go bother my neuro lecturer.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Some of my results are out - turns out I have failed Introductory Pathology and Infectious Disease :( It's rather embarrasing considering my previous degree was in microbiology and infection. It's also rather annoying as I have to resit over the summer. There's only 1 thing for it, I'll have to start revising now. I guess it means the practical exam didn't go too well after all.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Cows go....
moo! I like cows. They are peacful beasts, and more importantly they have never tried to kill me on purpose, just accidently.
Saturday, 2 June 2007
So exams are finally over, and with nothing left bust 7 weeks of EMS to complete before I am finished for the year I am having a lazy day. On the go again next week.
EMS stands for extra-mural studies. It is a course requirement for animal husbandry that we visit various places and gain experience in handling all sorts of animals. I think the current requirement at Edinburgh is 12 weeks including:
EMS stands for extra-mural studies. It is a course requirement for animal husbandry that we visit various places and gain experience in handling all sorts of animals. I think the current requirement at Edinburgh is 12 weeks including:
- 2 weeks sheep (including 1 week lambing)
- 2 weeks cattle
- 2 weeks horses
- 1 week pigs
- 1 week poultry
- 1 week dog and cat
- 1 week small mammal
- 2 weeks free choice
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