Last week I visited the optician for the first time in a few years. OK, it was 4 years since my last checkup. There were plans to get this done when I was back home, but that never really works.
During the testing I happened to mention I was getting some double vision and at times I have no depth perception. I mainly noticed this at work when trying to take money off people, or when attempting to thread a needle. The lovely optician lady figured out there is something wrong with my eyes. Apparently I don't use my left eye as much as I should and when I do it has the nasty habit of displacing in a medial and ventral direction, and this isn't good. The optician then asked if I was having any headaches, blurred vision, muscle weakness or any other sensory defecits. The answer to all these: no.
Next step was the head to my GP to get an appointment with an opthalmologist in the near future. I'm always scared when the university health service does anything efficiently, and this time I was seen in about an hour. After more questions about headaches etc I was sent on my way and told to expect an appointment for the opthalmologist in 2-4 weeks. And to come back if I have any headaches. Straight away.
As part of my neuro course we worked at localising lesions, and were told that the eye is a great place to notice something is wrong. Not that I'm too concerned yet. We shall see what the hospital type humans have to say. If they don't have a clue I'll go bother my neuro lecturer.
Well you are going to fit in well in the vet community anyway.
Let's see. Potentially serious symptoms, which are unpleasant, and reasonably disruptive and debilitating, and could be a signpost to something more significant.
What do you do?
1. Seek medical advice immediately
2. Ask a vet buddy. Who needs doctors anyway.
3. Wait 4 years then mention it in passing.
*sigh* I can't criticise though. Have done things equally vet-like myself.
Good luck at the hospital. I hope they just reckon it's too much looking down microscopes in path...aka The Path-Lab Disease, and so they pass you on your infection course without you having to do resits.
When is your appointment? Blogdog shall send good luck vibes.
Still no news on the appointment. I may have to go and annoy my doctor again. Or just go see a vet...
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