Saturday 25 August 2007

Back to work again

First day back at work post-exams etc. went fairly well. Doesn't really feel like I've been away long at all. Most people were glad to have me back. Others were constant in their reminders that I had time off and if I couldn't work then I shouldn't be there. My ability to work has not changed, just the type of work I can do has changed. I refuse to lift kegs and heavy kit. It isn't worth getting injured again.

Talking of that, I was fixing things on a roof and whilst coming down managed to damage my back slightly. It's fairly safe to say I fell off the roof. My back and legs were sore for a while after that one. Not quite agony, but enough to take notice. Maybe I'll stick to computer work, it is easier and possibly less painful.

Was debating a walk post work. It now appears there is a birthday party for a friend that I haven't been invited to. Debating turning up, debating just going to sleep with toast and a book. I think I'll stick with the book. Less humans that way.

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