Friday 31 August 2007

More work

Back to work again today - it hardly seems like there was time off at all. We accomplished many tasks of various types, mostly involving lifting and moving stuff from place to place. This probably isn't good for the back, although it isn't too sore today. I'm finding my hips are actually more sore after I do the physio for some reason.

I also started some uni work today too, just some basic web design for a quiz. At the moment it pops up a picture of a sheep breed and you have to guess which breed it is. Not too exciting yet, but the coding is unlike anything I've ever done before so it's a bit of a challenge. Too bad I'm doing it in java. I may try to find something more useful at a later date. The real question is do I have enough time to learn a programming language as well as do a degree and work at the same time? My actual job working on the web design/computer-based learning doesn't begin until Freshers week and it will continue through the year on a case by case basis. Apparently there aren't too many techy vet students out there.

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