Friday, 24 August 2007


Yay!! I passed all my resits, so I'm now officially a 3rd year. Very happy about it. Quite a few people didn't pass, and I was a borderline with the special circumstances form allowing me to pass. Not an ideal situation, and it shows I must do a load more work over the coming few years.

Other fun news, I have been invited to go for an MRI early next month. In less that two weeks in fact. This should be quite fun and hopefully we will get an idea if my head is planning to explode or not.

My leg also started hurting again last night. I may have overdone it yesterday in terms of long walks and sitting in odd positions at the gym. With the aid of painkillers and my determination to be as lazy as possible I shall do very little today and see how it goes. Back to work tomorrow where I plan to do very little again. Should be fun!

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